Saturday, July 4, 2015

A green and country in the city day

I feel I've had a very green and country in the city day today.

The thunderstorm last night meant I didn't have to water this morning, except the tumbling tomato which, despite being out in the open, looked as if it hadn't had a drop!

I picked loganberries and black currants to have with my breakfast cereal.

I then walked up to the monthly car boot in the car park at Whipps Cross Hospital. One of the stall holders was someone I used to work with 10 years ago, so we had a long chat. The other was a neighbour, so I had a chat with her too.

Didn't get anything - which is good. Most of my stuff is second hand but I am still a consumer even if I am relying on other people's cast-offs. I am getting so much better at resisting stuff. Last week in a charity shop was an earthernware mug and I was able to ask myself, "if I saw this in a shop with other earthernware mugs, would I buy it?" The answer was "no" so I left it.

On the way to Tescos I met Bill and Maureen  as we walked down the underpass at Leytonstone station, and I chatted with Bill while Maureen rushed off to do something. Then I had a chat with Steve and Mark who were on the Green Party stall the other side of the underpass, and a quick chat with Chris who turned up just before I carried on. I also met a neighbour of Bill and Maureen's, who I meet at their parties, in the charity shop where we were both getting cutlery, me for a picnic, she because cutlery keeps disappearing in her house.

Usually when I go into my neighbours on a Saturday with her shopping, she asks if I've seen anyone I know. I can't remember ever seeing anyone I know in Tescos, but this morning I've seen 7 people I know.

I had a two hour read and nap in my hammock (and the greenest thing you can do is nothing!).

I sawed up some of the offcuts I rescued from a skip last weekend to use in my wood burning stove next winter.

I picked courgettes to have for supper.

I've drunk several glasses of drink made with homemade elderflower cordial (and fizzy water - not green!).

Tonight I will be topping and tailing my gooseberries while listening to "In our Time" on catch-up. My mother has sent me a recipe and I hope to make jam tomorrow.

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