Wednesday, December 24, 2014

fox cushion done, robin cushion next

I've just finished my applique cushion using an old purple dressing gown, an old orange t-shirt, some white candlewick, a bit of black velvet and two buttons.

I am about to start an applique robin cushion - too late for this Christmas, but should be ready by next Christmas!

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Transition Japan in Leytonstone

Ros Bedlow, founder member and extremely active member of Transition Leytonstone used to work in Japan. When she visited friends there recently (travelling there by train and boat) she also visited 4 Transitions towns.

This evening 17 of us squeezed into her sitting room to see pictures and hear about her experiences. She had come back very enthused with lots of ideas.

I knew over half the people in the room to a greater or lesser extent. One person I don't know very well, but we are often at the same places. This week she was at Stowtellers (local storytelling club) on Monday and storytelling at Waterstones Piccadilly on Tuesday. At the bring and share supper afterwards was the first time we had actually got talking.

Lovely evening with interesting local people just over a mile from home.