Sunday, January 8, 2017

Quince in flower, fig not dormant

My quince is in flower - so I am not expecting any quinces this year as they are unlikely to be pollinated and frost will kill them if they are!

We've had two heavy frosts this week - and some mild mornings like this morning.

At least I think the little tree is a quince. I always thought it was a medlar until after having it for years it fruited and the fruit definitely wasn't a medlar! I asked my friend Maureen, who gave me the plant she'd grown from seed, what it was, but she said she hadn't given it! So, I compared the one fruit with pictures in books and the liklihood is that it is a quince.

I am supposed to prune my fig when it is dormant in January. Another January and my fig is not dormant!

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Frosty cars, frost-free water

This morning there was thick frost on the cars - but no ice at all in the wildlife water bowl.