Saturday, November 23, 2013

Helping the hibernators

Every year people complain about the council not getting the leaves swept up quickly enough. They have listened this year.

This means I've had a problem getting leaves to put on my tiny front garden flower bed to give extra protection for insects, etc, hibernating there. When I have time to go down the road with my bucket in the evening, the leaves have been swept up during the day!

This afternoon on the way to the shops I passed a few plane trees whose leaves haven't been swept up so, once back, I got my bucket and my leaf-picker-uppers, and got several bucketfuls. In good time for the cold night we are likely to have tonight.

Once this load of leaves has settled hope to have another go, if the timing of the sweepers allow me.

Beautiful sunny morning, enjoyed my kayaking, though my feet got cold despite thermal socks. Saw a kingfisher up ahead on the old River Lea between Tottenham and Waltham Forest. Also a kestrel hovering.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

And here are the pictures of the log seats!

Well, I've discovered I can upload more than one photo if I upload them all at once!

Longing for logs

On my bike ride today I cycled down the old river lea between Leabridge Road and Ruckholt Road. There had obviously been some cleaning up after the storm. Looked enviously at the logs - would even have the space to store them the rate I am getting through the offcuts my carpenter neighbour gave me.

But was pleased to find some seats made out of slices of tree, not everything would be going to waste. I can't seem to upload more than one picture to a blog post, so will blog again.