Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Need the heating to dry the clothes!

I had a big, double layer, fleece zip-up top which I am wearing. It keeps me warm enough that I don't need the heating on in the evening at the moment.

I am tonight going to treat myself to the woodburning stove so I can bring some clothes downstairs from the clothes "horses" upstairs to try and get them dry.

Last Saturday my kayaking trousers were still damp from the Saturday before! This morning I was having a day off and leaving the house nearly an hour and a half later than a usual weekday. I did have windows open but the air outside was so damp it could have made my clothes wetter rather than dryer!

Monday, October 22, 2012

Pickling onions requires forethought!

Today I started to pickle onions using my mother's very simple recipe: put peeled shallots in a jar, put in pickling spices, pour over malt vinegar, seal jar, leave for 3 weeks.

I got 500g (1 lb) of organic shallots from Waitrose which I peeled. I cut them in half lengthwise to help them fit in the jar I was using. I put in the pickling spices. Then I realised I had hardly any malt vinegar.

I did have plenty of white wine vinegar as I had bought a bottle when I didn't need to last year for the recipe I have used for pickled onions for the last couple of years: put peeled shallots and masses of fresh thyme in a jar, pour over white wine (or cider) vinegar, leave for 3 weeks.

So I've used white wine vinegar. A bit of a waste of the more delicate flavour when using pickling spices, but never mind. The pickled onions should still be good (my mouth is wastering just thinking of them!).

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Gold fabric necklace gets made and worn

I have been wanting to make a fabric necklace using suffolk puffs for years. This last month I have made one using gold fabric and gilt buttons from my stash.

It looks more "gold" in reality.

It did not turn out how I imagined it, mainly because the fabric I had was not flimsy enough, but I am still pleased with it and I wore it to a birthday party yesterday.

I want to have another go using finer fabric. I have some in my stash. However I need to think what outfit it will go with. Then I will need to get more party invitations so I can wear it. Very few events I got to involve dressing up (before yesterday, the last party I went to was Christmas eve!).

I have been getting a little frustrated recently not having a car. But travelling by tube yesterday (nearly 2 hours each way) did mean I could enjoy the cocktails. I had 3 "London flower" cocktails which included vodka, elderflower and grapefruit juice.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

fuchsia berries eddible!

Fuchsia berries are edible according to James Wong's new book "Homegrown Revolution".

All berries are edible but some varieties are tastier than others.

I do have a space for a pot with a fuchsia in that gets a reasonable amount of sun. Unfortunately they are moisture lovers so that means lots of watering and I am trying to use less water in the garden. (My mother used to bring her fuchsia indoors every day in hot weather and soak the pot in the sink.) I think I will leave it to fate. If I find a bush of one the varieties James mentions then I'll get it.

I will be able to try the berries - my neighbour has a bush in her front garden and I am sure she won't mind if I ask. [Today I looked at my neighbour's fuchsia - full of flowers and no sign of berries!]

Friday, October 12, 2012

Journalists should not be allowed how to books!

My mother bought me the book "Window-box allotment" by Penelope Bennett.

She actually has a roof garden measuring 5 x 2.5 metres (16 x 8 feet) - so one pretty big window box! But that is not what I have found annoying as it will still be useful for me with my small area of garden that gets the sun.

No, it is her instructions for growing tomato seeds:
".....it is time for them to go outside. First into a miniature outdoor 'greenhouse' (ie a large plastic cloche), but only for choicest slice of the day - its middle. Then back they come in the late afternoon."

Despite the high unemployment figures and the rising number of people who work at home, including presumably Penelope Bennett, large numbers of us go out to work. We are not around to take plants out late morning and back in again early afternoon!


Sunday, October 7, 2012

Wet weeks and sunny weekends!

I believe we should take at least as much notice, and preferably more, of the good things that happen to us as the bad.

We have had some very wet weather these last few weeks. Someone at work was in her doctor's waiting room and a women in a wheelchair came in with her lap full of hail! But last weekend and this weekend it has been dry and sunny. So I must remember this the next time it happens the other way round!

It was a bit chilly when I started out on my bike ride this morning, though already 9.30. So this afternoon I moved most of the pots near the house. They get no sun there, but we could have frost any day. Still need to put fleece on the fig tree.

A pumpkin is forming, but don't expect that to come to anything before the cold weather come.