Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Wood for stove - expensive this year

Have just ordered some logs from a tree surgeon in Chingford (north end of my borough) and it is about double the price of the logs I got last year. It is about the price of the wood I could have got from my stove suppliers which could have go delivered at the same time they came to sweep the chimney and do the maintenance, but I didn't order as I though it too expensive!

So, the stove is not saving me money (even before the cost of getting and installing the thing).

But who knows for the future, and it helps towards fuel security, and the cats love it!

PS I had another go at trying to insert photos into a blog the other night but with no luck. I wish I was more techie savvie!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Wood for stove - but not enough!

Len, the carpenter 3 doors up, left me some offcuts, but not his usual several black bin bags, only half a bin bag. Some of the wood will be painted and I'll have to put in the bin. But everything gratefully received!

Linda for several doors down, has had a friend round who cut up a small tree for her, and a pile of logs were left at the door yesterday. Three evenings burning, perhaps four, but it will be next winter not this coming one they will be ready.

Hope to have a day off in a fortnight and will have another go in trying to catch the tree surgeon in Chingford to see if he has wood to deliver.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Nut harvest in the street

I now have a digital camera and this is my first attempt at trying to upload a picture to my blog - which has failed! Curses!!!

There is a street near me where some of the street trees are nut tres, with nuts very like hazel nuts but fancier casings. I collected some the other day. There is not much "meat" in them, but I expect as street trees they don't get a lot of water...

Monday, September 5, 2011

green tomato chutney making looms

Yet another person reporting tomatoes really slow to ripen this year. 

Hers started getting blight, so she quickly picked the rest and made green tomato chutney.  If we get clear days and frosty nights anytime soon, I will be having to make green tomato chutney too.