Sunday, January 24, 2016

Buy expensive puncture-resistant tyre and get puncture 9 days later - but not tyre's fault

Last Friday week I went to the bike shop with a flat front tyre and got a new inner tube and a replacement tyre, the more expensive version of the Schwalbe puncture-resistant tyre, to match the one on the back wheel.

After kayaking today I am loading my bike and realise my front tyre is flat. Even though I only work on punctures at home, I do carry the tyre leavers and puncture kit, and the club, as it does mountain biking, has a stirrup pump.  So Klaus can then sort out the puncture without even taking the wheel off.

The puncture is quite a large hole and the cause is the rim tape which leaves cylindrical holes which traps the inner tube. Probably going over a bump did for it. Beate finds some gaffer tape in the workshop so we put a 6 inch (15 cm) strip in over the rim tape.

It survived the journey home, though I am a bit nervous about happening again.

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Cold snap February, mild March, hot summer

My friend Tony is predicting a cold snap again next month, a mild March and a hot summer.

When professional forecasters can't get today's weather right a lot of the time, and the 3 months of freezing weather forecast in the autumn has, in the South East ,turned out to be a couple of cold days in December and a week of cold weather just now, why should I believe him?

Well this is the man who, execting a mild autmnn, sowed runner beans last October and got a crop!

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Mistletoe in ash trees?

I went on a kayaking trip to the weirs around Shepperton yesterday (cold but dry, and I capsized once, luckily just at the end as my feet got really cold!).

On the way there we passed a roundabout with trees with mistletoe in them. They could have been ash trees.

I have a couple of times hung mistletoe on one of the overhanging branches of my neighbour's ash tree in the hopes that birds would eat the seeds and then rub their beaks on a branch. No luck so far and thought this because ash trees are not one of those listed in the books as having mistletoe. But if there's a chance I will try again.

Round my way the mistletoe is not marked as British which I presume means it is not.