Sunday, August 19, 2012

Comfrey "cream" turning into comfrey "soup"!

The comfrey cream I made with comfrey and coconut oil has melted in the hot weather. The coconut oil I use on my hands sometimes after gardening is only a tiny bit melted. If I make it again I will have to use petroleum jelly which doesn't seem so natural! Yesterday (Saturday) out with friends so didn't get my weekly wash done. So this morning, before I went out on my bike to pick blackberries, i put in the sheets and the towels. I hung those out to dry, and put in my clothes. I had just started hanging out the clothes when I heard what sounded like gravel landing on the conservatory roof. I suspected rain, looked up - yes, clouds. Then a drop or two landed on me. I wondered what do do, risk it hoping it wouldn't be much and the sun would soon dry up any additional wetness or take everything in. I decided I would take in the sheets and the towels as they were almost dry. As the drops were becoming more frequent, I then decided I would take in everything. I was glad I did - we had a thunderstorm and it would have got soaked!

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