Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Craft Group

The email has gone out!  I am having an exploratory meeting with the idea of setting up a Transition Leystonstone (recyled) craft group.  I'd got the house reasonable for Christmas/New Year but now will have to get it sorted again in time for this meeting.  It's at the end of March, but already thinking about bits of housework, "I won't do that now, I'll only have to do it again before the craft meeting."
I hope I get enough people to make it interesting and not too many to fit into the room!


  1. Hi!!!! Well done you!!! It will be a roaring success if you are involved!!! ;o))) If you need any ideas etc just give me a call as I do craft projects with the residents in work on a weekly basis and they will suit any age group and I am sure you can use recyled, donated products!!! For example, we decorated "douwe egbert" jars...cut hearts out of pretty wall paper...and ifif you scour the craft blogs on my blog list there are loads of great ideas that I have borrowed!!! Have fun and enjoy it!!!


  2. Thanks. I am planning to have a halloween party this year - and this might even be the year I actually get round to holding it! I want it to be a goth party rather than one full of plastic halloween tat. I'd like to make some black and white or black and scarlet artificial flowers as part of the decorations.
