Sunday, February 16, 2014

One snow drop the start of many

I have clumps of snowdrops in the front garden but none in the front. Two years ago I transferred a lot of bulbs "in the green" but not a sign of one last year, but this morning I saw this:

The only one, but a pioneer!

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Plum blossom!

My two little plum trees both have blossom. Last year I noticed the blossom on 17 March. so a month early. Still a while to go when we could have frosts or even snow - so in danger of yet another year without plums!

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

foxy fashion

Had an excellent response from colleagues to my fox stole I finished making at the weekend from a top I got from a charity shop, some old white candlewick I've had so long I can't remember where it came from, two buttons from my neighbour's button box and one from mine.

One of the managers has suggested I call it "George" (I work for the Quakers).

I like craft but am not very good at it, but every now and then something I do works out, and this fox stole is one of them.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

showing off vintage cardie

This is a photograph of me wearing my new (to me) vintage cardigan which I got in Brighton. The beads and the bangles are from charity shops.

This was taken at Stow Tellers, a new (3rd monthly session) story telling event in Walthamstow, a 30 minute walk for me. I told "Appy Boswell and the Conger Eel" in December and "Crows Dead" yesterday. It is lovely to have a venue where I can tell stories again, and one in my area is a wonderful bonus.

Mild weather helps the pests

In this mild weather the ruby chard is still growing. I picked some leaves this afternoon, but there weren't many leaves without holes in!